A weekly snippet covering topics of interest and hopefully beneficial for women over 60 who, after leaving their careers behind, find themselves now or from time to time, feeling stuck, lost, or just floundering and unsettled in general.
Welcome to the weekly video-pod-snippet of DRR for BW. I’m Lynnelle, the host, chief cheerleader and tour guide of the BOLD-Women Community.
This is a weekly snippet covering topics of interest and hopefully beneficial for women over 60 who, after leaving their careers behind, find themselves now or from time to time, feeling stuck, lost, or just floundering - or just longing for a connection with women of like-mind.
Topics will vary from light to serious and I invite you to put in your 2-cents. Comment, Call, or even Criticize if you you're called to do so. Suggestions on topics and guests welcome.
Decisions Learning to take a more right-brain approach to making decisions will help you get results more in line with the vibrant, fulfilling post-career life you want. If you want a life full of feeling and love and fulfillment (emotions), don't analyze alternatives based on facts, experience, and what others think alone.
(Don't let the video thumbnail scare you! Posting this certainly supports my moto, "Progress. Not Perfection!")