It's been a sh*t week, I'm exhausted - emotionally and physically, and I'm in that place where I'm questioning everything.
This isn't a good place from which to be a BOLD cheerleader and mentor for anyone.
But then I thought... I am you. You are me. What I'm feeling is not unique.
I know I am not alone, nor am I the first to be here. Maybe sharing this can help someone else. So here I am, opening my kimono, to you - with you.
Last week Kurt moved to Dallas, I moved in with my sister, and the possessions I didn't give away or throw away are now crammed into a 10 x 15 foot storage unit.
There's no blame to be placed. I believe we all do the best we can do with what we have at the time. But, as you might imagine, there have been many conversations, declarations, questions, and protestations exchanged between he and I recently.
This experience has been an excellent opportunity to practice what I preach. I don't have to tell you how much energy it takes to manage "how you react".
Remaining silent (or at least somewhat composed) when every fiber of your being is SCREAMING OUT goes against every natural instinct you possess.
And there it is. "Natural" instinct. But, just because something comes naturally does NOT mean it's optimal. It just means it's easier. You're used to it.
I must tell you that, even though this has been the most difficult week of my life to date - or more likely BECAUSE of this week, I am stronger for it. I took control of myself - and how I reacted to what was not in my control. I'm proud of that.
If you're in a place that isn't of your choosing, why are you still there? If you're not living in a way that fills your soul, why is that? It's no one's responsibility but yours. If your responses include:
Reach out to me.
Maybe it's time to start reacting in ways that don't come naturally to you.