Happiness & purpose go hand-in-hand. Are you struggling to find fulfillment and a sense of purpose in your post-career life? If so, you'd probably say that you're struggling to find happiness in your retirement, too.
But, there's a theory that suggests that happiness actually INCREASES with age. You may initially scoff at this theory, but stick with me. It actually makes sense.
The “U-Curve of Happiness” theory suggests that life satisfaction follows a u-curve when plotted between the ages of 20 and 70 with happiness peaking at 23 and 69. The most unhappy time of your life is your 40s and 50s, trending backup as you grow older.
Let me tell you, if I’d come across this information before finding my way in this retirement transition, I would have either fallen down laughing or weeping uncontrollably.
You might find it difficult to imagine being happier now than before you left work. And, yes, there are a zillion variables in this that can impact levels of happiness - health, wealth, family situation, etc. But, generally speaking, “all things being equal”, it is shown that there is a U-Curve to life satisfaction.
3-key points about the theory that might relate to your experience:
If you're a retired woman who's feeling discouraged or unfulfilled, know that there is hope! Your happiness and fulfillment levels
CAN increase as you age.
So, what can you do to find happiness and fulfillment in your retirement? One important step is to seek out support and community. That’s why I started the BW Community. I couldn’t find support or a community for women focused on retirement transitions when I needed it.
Financial planning help? Yes. Anything else? No.
It seems I wasn't alone in wanting to find support. Today, you can find non-financial resources out there for retirement planning. If BW isn’t for you, consider another supportive community or reaching out to friends and family members.
Having a strong support network when going through big life transitions is important. After retiring, you might find your social network has changed or even faded somewhat. It's important to seek out new social connections. It can be more difficult at this stage in life, but no less important.
Your happiness level may have dipped after you quit working. It isn’t uncommon. If you’re struggling to find fulfillment in your post-career life:
Remember, you're not alone in this experience and there are resources and support available to help you navigate this transition. The BW Community is one of those resources and
April 27, 28, & 29 is a virtual 3-Day BW Circle & Workshop focused on these resources and support. Details coming mid-March. Make sure you're on our email list.
*If you feel deeply depressed or are afraid for your health and safety, please contact one of these resources for immediate help. I am not a licensed counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist and you deserve the best support possible.
Resources referenced for this post: