We are what we consume. Imagine how compromised our physical health would be with a primary diet equally unbalanced toward toxicity.
And, like a physical diet, you're the one in control of who and what you listen to.
Keeping your chin up and seeing the good when so much bad is happening around us can be EXHAUSTING. Or, more to the point, when all we see is the bad that is happening around us.
What about these cool and wonderful things that happened in the last couple of weeks?
How can ANYONE pull themselves up and maintain a positive, healthy mental state when we're inundated by dire and toxic information?
And, since we are what we let in - into our bodies, our lungs, our minds - it's no one's responsibility except ours to manage what gets in, and what doesn't.
I invite you to join me as I recommit myself to avoiding all network, broadcast news.
For me, it's the news on the television. The stories they present are sensationalized, with the purpose of stirring emotions rather than informing.
You won't be left out. Trust me. Just scrolling through Google and social media you can stay in the know. You don't have to click the links. You'll only get sucked into yet another "performance".
Try giving up some, if not all of the broadcast media news. Even if only for a week.
I'll bet you'll feel lighter at the end of the week, more positive.
Here are a few sites in case you want to search out some good news to replace the void.
Give up the sensational, seek out the good, and Be BOLD.
In closing, I've held the very BEST news for last. If you're a Tex-Mex lover, get ready for the best invention since the tortilla press. Edible Tortilla Tape.