Yesterday I was out walking Pablo and ran into a neighbor walking his dog. We continued on together chit-chatting about the weather until he finally asked,
“What do you do? Are you retired?”
First, I used to hate getting this question but I've grown out of it. I'm quite comfortable with my response now which is
"I quit my career a few years ago and have started an online business,
Bold-Women, a community for women."
“BOLD!?", he said. "Oh, so you ladies get together and rail against the male species. I get it.” rolling his eyes.
“No, we do not.” I assured him. But, didn't go any farther. I knew my breath would have been wasted trying to explain.
But, his comment, still, got me thinking. What did Bold-Women mean, anyway? I know who the community is for and why I started it. But, what does being a Bold-Woman mean?
BOLD can be defined as: Showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.
This would mean Bold-Women take risks, are confident and courageous.
I like that. But, it's still not specific. So, to be more specific I created a list of the characteristics all Bold-Women have or strive for.
In the next few weeks I’m going to expand on each of these, but in the meantime - here are 15 characteristics of a Bold-Woman.
So, Mr. Neighbor, this is who Bold-Women are. I wonder how he’d react to know that there are a few honorary Bold-Men in this community, as well.
On second thought, no. I don’t want to know.
Tell me, did I leave anything off the list? Let me know your thoughts. How would you describe your BOLD-self - or the BOLD-self you are striving to be?